Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Instructions on Inserting Live Links - bbCode Basics

Note: If this lesson seems a bit unclear to you, you may want to check basic bbCode lessons: How Does bbCode Work? & How to Correctly Insert Tags.

By "live links", I mean links in which you can click to go to a different page or website.

Now, in most of forums, you just paste your Hyperlink or URL, submit the message and it's automatically converted to a clickable link, but anyways, let's see how to do that manually + some more very useful options.

The tag for links is this:


Let's use this blog URL "http://learn-bbcode.blogspot.com/" as an example, the code will be:




No problem till now, but what if you want a part of your text being clickable? Something like "Click Here" or ''Go Here" or just a name of a site or anything else?

For that you have to add an option, here, the option will be the Hyperlink itself, & the tags will wrap the text you want to be clickable.

Now, as an example, I'll use my blog title "Learn Forums bbCode Secrets" & its URL of course:

[url=http://learn-bbcode.blogspot.com/]Learn Forums bbCode Secrets[/url]

Will look in your final message:

Learn Forums bbCode Secrets

Next lesson: How to Link to an e-Mail Address


Sewa Komputer said...

Thanks, very helfull article.

Julian said...

I have problems with link displayed...is a plain text not the link. Why ?

Omemee Pigeon eFlyer (editor) said...

Thanks for an informative post. We bookmarked your blog, and "Blinked" it too.

siddhant said...

Thanks for the tutorial, i needed it as the place i need to insert was not accepting html, so i have to use bbcode

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